(used on projects referencing 2016 ODOT C&MS in the Contract Documents)
ODOT’s 2016 Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS) book will be used on ODOT projects referencing this 2016 C&MS and its companion errata for updates/changes through Supplement Specification 800 by specific date. Like the 2013 C&MS, projects bid under the 2016 specification will be identified as either concrete with or without QC/QA (pre-determined by designer based on quantities) for the QC class designations.
Any updates/changes occurring on items in the 2016 C&MS specifications book are identified in Supplement Specification 800 while updates to individual Supplements are modified separately with the new effective date which all supersede the existing specifications. These revisions had been introduced and accepted under ODOT’s Concrete Pavement or Structures Committee which Ohio Concrete is each active in. The link to the 2016 C&MS: PDF of 2016 C&MS (note that you can view the latest edits made through SS800 by opening the PDFs of hyperlinked 2016 C&MS with SS800 by date – edits are shown in yellow)
The following is a summary of the notable changes relating to concrete:
- Added 4 to 8 percent air content range for Item 255 Rapid Repair Concrete Mix
- Removed QC FS mix from Item 451.02 since ODOT does not desire fast set mixtures for routine paving operations
- In Item 451.04 added: ‘Ensure that all paving equipment is operated in a manner that does not result in segregation of the mixture or loss of air entrainment in the mixture.’
- Replaced AMRL with AASHTO for laboratory designation in Item 455.02
- Item 455.03 removes the 1% air loss correlation requirement for pumped/conveyed concrete from point of discharge and point of placement. Now will require first three trucks to be tested for air content verification within spec limits (6±2%) at point of placement only and then extended to testing frequency if within range. Language kept on proper sampling procedures.
- Item 455.03 will allow sampling for strength specimens at point of discharge (truck chute) for pumped/conveyed concrete if the air content is within acceptance range (4-8%) also at the discharge. Slump testing is also done at point of discharge.
- Modified Item 499.04 with changing cement or micro-silica balling immediate rejection to allowing corrective action with further mixing prior to rejection.
- Added C. (Concrete Pumping and Conveying Equipment) in Item 499.05: Provide concrete pumping and conveying equipment in accordance with ACI 304.2R and ACI 304.4R. Conduct a pre-placement meeting to discuss concrete pumping and conveying procedures tomaintain air content within specified limits per Table 499.03-1.
- Item 511.07 (Placing Concrete) added language: For concrete delivered to the point of placement by means of pumping equipment, ensure the air content at the point of placement is within the specified parameters of Table 499.03-1. Adjust the pumping pressure, boom angles and use pumping aids to lower the friction in the piping to meet the specified parameters. Provide a hose at the end of the line that is at least 0.5 inch (12 mm) smaller in diameter than the line on the boom to minimize free-fall and maintain a continuous flow of concrete in the pipe lines and boom during discharge.
Modifications made to the 2016 CMS:
Effective July 15, 2016 by Supplemental Spec 800 Click here for the July 15, 2016 SS800
- With Technical Committee consensus-based response, ODOT has modified the fresh delivered concrete from 6% plus/minus 2% to 7% plus/minus 2% in the Item 499 concrete mix table (499.03-1). This modification is a result from a combination of FHWA ‘best practices seminar’ with specific instruction by FHWA for Ohio DOT, low in-place air content on ODOT paving project in western OH, discussion/insight from PCA, comparison of other Midwestern state DOT specs, ASTM C94 & ACI 301 reference and elevating comfort level of post-vibrated concrete having an adequate air-void system.
- Added language in Supplement 1126 (revised July 15, 2016) to specifically note the requirement on SS -super structure designated approved coarse aggregate per Item 703.02 for QC2 mixtures and QC 5 mixtures for Item 519. The approved aggregate sources that are linked through the CMRS portal are provided for assistance.
Effective October 21, 2016 by Supplemental Spec 800 Click here for the October 21, 2016 SS800
- PN 420-Pavement Surface Smoothness revision. An update of this proposal note includes new pay incentive/disincentive tables and incorporates PN470 Thin asphalt smoothness requirements and thin concrete overlays into this revised PN 420. PN470 will then be retired/removed from use. This updated PN 420 gives specific language on when and where it applies.
Effective January 20, 2017 by Supplemental Spec 800 Click here for the January 20, 2017 SS800
- Item and Table 499.03 adds Carbonite Micro-Fines as an acceptable material in concrete mixtures except in QC2 and QC3 concrete. Further changes are made in the spec book noting the acceptance, spec and use of carbonite micro-fines (Item 499, Item 701 and Supplement 1016 and 1126).
Provided for your use and reference is the website link to ODOT’s active changes page under the Division of Construction Management: GO TO LINK
ODOT has also posted helpful instructional guidelines and tools to aid in the submittal of a Job Mix Formula (JMF): GO TO LINK
Updates to applicable concrete supplemental standards are listed below. Supplement 1126 – Developing and Submitting a PCC Mix Design for Acceptance (July 21, 2017) Supplement 1127 – Pay Factors Determination for Pavement and Structure Concrete (July 17, 2015)
Contact the Association office for any assistance needed with these updates or concrete mix submissions that you may have.